When You Know Better - You Have To Do Better

Really bums me out to see dominance-based (sexist, racist) tropes used by people who align with progressive (human-needs) ideology. I GET being mad at and remaining intolerant of people who insist on dismantling democracy because their "conservatism” isn't electable.

I’m specifically referring to a post I saw from a “progressive” on social media today of photoshopped Don Jr wearing a t-shirt that refers to Kimberly Guilfoyle as a “skank.”

[[ Why? Why is that funny? Because she’s had body augmentation? She’s had her lips done? So she has chosen to present her body in a way that aligns with what her body “should” look like according to society. Haven’t you done the same? What male reading this has ever used Propecia, Viagara, or Rogaine? Just to name a few. Congratulations you have chosen to conform to societal gender norms. Society says you are ugly and bad if you are bald and shameful if you have erection difficulties. Similarly - females are constantly being reminded they are not allowed to age because older women are not fuckable and if you are not fuckable you have no worth to men and the population of the planet. So Merry Christmas to the guys who are growing their Proud Boys beards out because they think it makes them fuckable or to the guys who shave every hair off their body for the exact same reason. You are conforming to society’s crushing gender roles, and you want to be desired and not irrelevant. NO DIFFERENT than women like Kimberly Guilfoyle. Now back to the post.]]

…But don't lose sight that although you may vote Democrat - it means you know better. So once you know better you have to do better. You have to leave the so-and-so is a bimbo/whore jokes behind AND live your life in such a way that you repair the damage you did.

YOU MUST EDUCATE YOURSELF AND ATONE - and there is no finish line.

Elevate your awareness beyond you identifying as a "Democrat" - the elevator goes way up beyond any political party (which as we know are historically malleable to self-interest). If you align as a progressive, liberal, Democrat, etc. it means you prioritize human needs.

SO. If you believe in prioritizing human needs - we're all connected and interdependent upon each other, the planet & all living creatures - abusing those things is the opposite. Shitting on women for: having sex, presenting as youthful, desirable, fuckable - is antithetical to the compassion and empathy inherent in progressive and liberal thought and application.

Whoa to anyone participating in any way to accommodate “accepted” societal gender norms but ostracizing and shaming someone else for doing the exact same things.

You know better so you must do better. You must leave your double standards behind.

You must transmute the abuser inside who sex-shames women.

You have an obligation to see the systems of anguish which were designed intentionally and have been carefully maintained by White male power - rather than see the dehumanized "thug.” Don’t get it twisted I am not condoning criminal activity but you, like me, must also reject the temptation to dehumanize those participating in crimes as “criminals” aka “others” - that language of separating people from you is an attempt to keep yourself convinced YOU could never possibly be that way or do those things. The fact of the matter is we are all capable of the same, we have free will and are all capable of horrific things. Opting out of compassion, empathy and context when applicable does not make you righteous.

We are not here for very long. Being kind is a choice. Abuse is a choice. You’re an adult now. You are obligated to educate yourself so that you know better. And once you know better you have to do better. For those trolls reading this this far you may think your ignorance will absolve you of the consequences of your negligence. That couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s for another post someday. Let go or be dragged…

Photo by Laura E Partain

Geoffrey KochComment