April 2020 Shows

Well hello there! From sunny Nashville. Don’t want to jinx anything but we’ve had a rainless 5 days of sunny walking weather and I dare say this is our Spring. Let’s keep it under wraps so it stays around for several more months. The oppressive and unrelenting humidity of Summer here always stalks, always waits. Perhaps it’s sleeping in..

As a reminder - this month I’ll be playing every Monday night.

All shows will be 2 hours long and all shows will be from 8pm to 10pm CST!

So set an alarm and lets quarantine together! I’m cooking up new songs, new covers, and fun ways to interact. Learning your requests as fast as I can! Share the event post on Facebook to your friends if you’re jazzed about this. Been wonderful seeing you all there, really warms my heart to see the likes loves and comments. The interaction has been both unexpected and a blast!

Photo: Krista Chapman