If you’re like me you’ve held secrets and horrific traumas in because you thought, “you’d never believe me if I told you.” If you’re like me you’ve kept people at a distance to protect yourself (and them.) You’ve asked yourself, “if I showed you my darkness, would you stay?” This fortress doesn’t serve you anymore. Correct? And now you have to climb out of not only what happened to you, but also what your coping mechanisms and survival adaptations created. Your heart knows you are meant for connection. The invulnerability nurtured by fierce protection has added symptoms you didn’t anticipate. Irritability, self-loathing, doubt, hopelessness, sleeping problems, chronic physical pain, addiction, denial.

The ironic and good news is - not only are you not broken, your body and mind are working exactly as designed. You being here exploring relief is all the proof you need to know you are already whole - you just desperately need to be healed. To be held. You need change. I been there.

As a coach (with a certification in trauma recovery coaching, similar to life coach) I am there with you. Alongside you. This is the chapter in your book when I show up. I’ve seen coaches use the Star Wars analogy a lot. There are two guides. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. They weren’t there in the opening scene, and only in a Hollywood way were they sort of there at the satisfying end… :) You are Luke in your own hero story. The protagonist. You have arrived at the scene of your life’s movie where we meet, and through our work together you heal, train, transform and develop the skills you’ll need to not just survive to get to where you need to go in the next scene - but be equipped and ready to crush it there.

Our work together helps you heal yourself. Your path ahead will require you to expand upon your ideas of what empathy and compassion are. Love in action. You will become the embodiment of a more radical kindness. A weapon for Good. You are VITAL to the future. In a culture dominated by abuse, dysfunction, powerlessness - the world will benefit from your balance and empowerment. Consideration and community. Laughter, kindness and strength. Vulnerability and depth. All these and more await you.

The world needs you now. YOU need you now. You’ve come to the right place. Step up into your robe and embrace the hero within.

(c) Laura Schneider

Coaching Sessions Combine My Life Of Developing My Psychic Intuition, Reiki Master Energy Work and Extensive Training In Trauma Recovery, Including:

  • Confidential, safe and non-judgmental space. You are allowed to express and process your thoughts and feelings on your own time, however difficult. Any of these look familiar to you? - shame, confusion, guilt, grief, indecision, fear, isolation, anger, bitterness, jealousy, etc. In me, you have a compassionate listener without objection. I believe you.

  • The fulfillment that comes from a dedicated accountability partner supporting you as you make and achieve recovery goals. Ready to be proud of yourself and smile at what you’ve accomplished?

  • Trauma-informed care. It’s an approach that prioritizes awareness of the many factors (gender, race, culture, social, etc) that have contributed to and make you you. I realize how trauma can affect individuals and groups. I’m able to recognize the signs of trauma. I have a compassionate practice in place which can effectively respond to what happened to you. I am trained to better avoid words or situations that might be triggering or re-traumatizing to you. A Trauma-informed approach asks the question “What happened to you?” instead of “What is wrong with you?”

  • A Certified Professional educated in neuroscience, attachment styles, and how trauma effects the mind/body connection. I will help you connect the dots from what happened to you to how you got here - AND - how to go where you want to go from where you are.

  • Ability to work remotely anywhere in the world.


Welcome to a new way forward.

You’ve made it! In addition to music, my passions for wellness and human development have been lifelong. As a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach (CTRC), I guide people like you to navigate the journey from victim to empowered survivor.

Do you feel “stuck?” Anxious a lot? Burdened by waves of heavy thoughts? Do you fall into the same habits again and again? It’s very common to be convinced that because of these things that you’re broken. But you are not. You have had normal reactions to abnormal life experiences. Symptoms like these are caused by traumatic events which then changed how your brain functions. In fact, your brain performs at such high levels that after traumatic events your brain developed incredible strategies that helped you survive.

You have survived! But now what?

The irony is these survival skills and coping mechanisms we formed to serve us have now become obstacles to our growth and happiness. It’s time to leave behind that which does not serve you, and it is not shameful to ask for help in how to do that. Vulnerability (courage) is the skeleton key which unlocks all paths forward.

Unhealed Trauma Survivors generally view life through a distorted lens where their past is so large, so powerful, that it takes up almost all their field of vision. It is no wonder if you have trouble coping, maintaining relationships, paying bills. How are you supposed to have the energy to design an awesome future while in the grips of an obsolete treadmill that just ends up exhausting you and draining your focus?

I work alongside you in a peer-to-peer Coaching setting. You have a safe space from which you will enhance your emotional regulation, build new strategies to recover from trauma’s impact on your daily life, and achieve your recovery goals.

Recovery is not a finish line so much as it is a journey. Now is the time to take the path towards a happier life. Joyful and fully-actualized. What are you waiting for?!

Let’s get to work.




Healthy Relationships

Less Anxiety and Overwhelm

Increased Emotional Resilience + Adaptability

Understanding Your Role In Your Family Mythology

Destruction of Family Mythology

Improved Sleep

New Skills

Personal Empowerment

Balance and Grounding

Improved Clarity and Curiosity

More Laughter

Trustworthy & Confidential Guide

Ongoing Support

An Understanding of Your Brain and Nervous System on Trauma + How They Heal From It