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Good morning from a Panera in Champaign, IL. I got the worst treatment from a human being this morning. She was disgusted in the fact that I was next to her car sleeping in my back seat. in a motel parking lot. at 6:30am. and decided to knock my car door and tell me as much. At 6:30am. Lady I don't think I'm the problem. Presents a good question. Is it right to sleep in a motel parking lot? Just minding my own business is how I see it. You do you, and I'll take care of me. But seriously is it illegal? Her detest was evident as I watched her watch me drive away. Her death scowl could have melted steel if it weren't for my waving middle finger there to protect me. 

So that's how my day started, how are you? I've got breakfast in me and gonna make some new handwritten lyric sheets for as long as I can. Which means I might get halfway through one. I'd really like to nap somehow. Then I'll head to Chicago and pick up Ross my violinist. He produced my new record! Silver linings are everywhere. I won't sleep in my car the rest of the trip because the Civic doesn't sleep two with all our stuff. Oh sweet sleep, how I yearn for you.

Also what is it with Paneras and their air conditioning units blasting ARCTIC air, amirite? Always has been the case. They're trying to freeze me out again. Ever have one of those days when you can tell there's not enough coffee in the world to wake you up? That's where I'm at. And I'm only a half a cup in, but I got nothing but an upset stomach.

Veggie burger critique: The best thing about last night's veggie burger was it was $5.25. Which is indicative of how unremarkable it was. When you're starving everything is better by a few points tho. Sat at the bar waiting for my to go food long enough to see the Cardinals getting SHELLED last night in Baltimore. At least the show was well-attended and everyone was beautiful and listened and it was very nice, both shows.

Alright I've got to get something done and then try and nap in this Panera parking lot. It was my own fault, last night. Shoulda known better than to park right in-between cars. You want that sweet spot combination of 'secluded but civilized'. If S hits the fan you want to be near people for help. But to sleep you can't be too close. It's a chess match, really.

Chicago I need you tonight at Uncommon Ground on Clark. Ross and I bring it at 9pm.